Monday 18 September 2017

Some interesting stats for VMware VCAP certification

As I've mentioned, I'm a VCI or VMware Certified Instructor, and for me VMware is my prime technology area, I've worked with the product and with VMware now since approx 2001,

I then started on my certification path in 2005 with the VCP.

Since then VMware have released a numcer of certifications and one of those is the VMware Certified Advanced Professional.

I sometimes get asked "How many VCAPs are there?" So as of 2007 here's a nice link to a document created by Jill Liles of VMware Education services, thanks to her for this.

Around the world with VCAPs

Hope this is of some use and may inspire you to pursue some additional VMware education, if so, hope to see you in Newcastle upon Tyne on a VMware course.