Saturday 21 October 2017

Automating NSX® for vSphere with PowerNSX - VMware Press Book

One of the things that's an expectation of my job is that, I'm going to have to do a lot of reading.

Also that I'm going to stand in front of people and talk a lot.

The vast majority of the VMware courses I now deliver involve talking about VMware NSX, and why not? It's a good product.

Thanks to those lovely people at VMware Press for making the following book available for download.

Automating NSX® for vSphere with PowerNSX - VMware Press Book, written by Anthony Burke

The book covers the following over 176 pages

Introduction from the book itself.

"This book has been written to cater to administrators and architects of an VMware NSX for vSphere environment. This book should serve as a primer for users with skillsets ranging from beginner to advanced. Some prior knowledge around the following topics will help readers. These topics include:

  • Microsoft PowerShell:  pipelines, variables,loops, scripting.
  • VMware vSphere PowerCLI™:  basic vSphere administration.
  • VMware NSX for vSphere: concepts and configuration specifics.

It is assumed that the reader will be familiar with NSX for vSphere constructs and terminology."